Every day across the Michiana area, hundreds of drivers experience a vehicle breakdown. This is your guide to turn an unpleasant experience into a smooth fix.
STEP 1: Don't Panic!
A blown-out tire or overheated engine can quickly become a dangerous situation if you panic in traffic. You can easily crash into another vehicle, a tree, or guard rail during this stressful experience. Take a deep breathe and be aware of your surroundings.
STEP 2: Safely Pull-Over
Look for the closest open shoulder or parking lot to pull off the road if you can drive or coast your vehicle. Check to make sure no vehicles or pedestrians are in your path while moving over. Once you find this open space, pull off the road as far as possible and turn on your hazard lights. This will help keep you safe while you wait for help.
If your car stalls in the road and you can't get to safe location, do not exit the vehicle! Immediately turn on your hazard lights and call 911 for assistance. An officer will come direct traffic around you and keep you safe while you wait. The officer can also call the tow company of your choice for a quick response.

STEP 3: Call For Backup
After you find a safe place to stop your vehicle, it's time to call for help. If you pay for a roadside assistance service, now is the time to call them. They will help you coordinate a tow to your trusted mechanic.
If you don't have a roadside service, you need to call a licensed towing company near you, like Clark's Towing & Service. Our trusted team will answer your call, 24/7, and ask you a few basic questions...
Where are you located?
Where should we tow your car? Whether to your house or your trusted mechanic.
What kind of vehicle do you have? This will help us determine the type of tow truck to use.
What issue are you having? This will help the tow truck driver bring the correct tools.
These questions will help us give you an instant quote with the cheapest tows in the region. Our skilled staff will quickly be on the scene to assist you. We accept cash and debit/credit cards for your convenience.
STEP 4: Get To Your Destination
Now that you have a plan for your car, don't forget about yourself! This choice may depend on the time of day, where you live, and the number of passengers you have. Don't get stranded on the side of the road.
Call a friend or family member to pick-up you and your passengers
Check the availability of a ride share app like Uber or Lyft, or call a local taxi service
Ask the tow company. Clark's Towing & Service prides ourself on customer service and will help wherever we can. We typically have space for a single person in the tow truck and will gladly take them with the vehicle, or even to a nearby location at no additional charge, within reason. Ask the tow truck driver about this option to confirm availability.
Success! Now you and your vehicle are in a safe place with a smart plan. Minimizing the time you are waiting and preventing any confusion. Stay with the vehicle until the tow truck driver arrives, and call your mechanic during business hours to schedule a repair.
BONUS: If you don't have your roadside assistance information on hand, ask for a receipt from the tow truck driver and submit it for a refund at a later time.
Some car insurance companies will also cover your towing and roadside service costs, so make sure you check your coverage for a potential reimbursement!